Saturday 13 July 2024

Warmaster Revolutions

 Warmaster Revolutions is the fan published version of the Warmaster fantasy rules. GW allowed the rights to revert to the author Rick Priestly who in turn allowed the fan community to make them available.

This game is 2,000 points of Brettonians vs Wood Elves. Both armies are almost all 3D printed models by Forest Dragon Studio. My Brettonians were mostly painted with Speed Paints from the Army Painter, over a light grey primer and white undercoat.


My Brettonians are deployed at the bottom of the picture. On the left, 1 Bowmen, 1 Men at Arms, 2 Peasants, Knights Grail Knights and Mounted Squires. The hero is mounted on a Pegasus. In the centre more Knights, Grail Knights, Squires and my single unit of Pegasus Knights, with the General. On the right, Bowmen, Men at Arms and Peasants, led by a Sorceress. 

I advanced on the left and my infantry were driven back by bow fire. Alex's Giant Eagles flew into my rear and threatened to cause a major irritation. 

I moved some of my infantry behind them and then charged, then my general sent the Pegasus Knights over to charge the flank. I passed some difficult command roles here and the Eagles were no more. This flank was further broken up by shooting and failed to make any significant movement again until nearly the end of the game.

On the right my Sorceress was busy failing command rolls. I sent some cavalry from the centre over. Seeing bow armed cavalry in the built up area I managed to get the Knights in and soon destroyed them. However one of my units never managed to get out, failing all attempts at command.


Alex's other cavalry charged my Knights in the rear but had little effect.

More Knight s that I had moved up from centre joined the fight and destroyed the last Elvish cavalry.

 Alex's infantry had moved across to the centre in a deep formation. My cavalry managed to charge them but did half as much damage as would have been expected and were pushed back.

One unit on my left made a first move but failed the second leaving it stranded in the open. It was charged in the flank and reduced to one base. The archers fell back but the Knight was obliged to charge them and got himself killed.

Back on the right my infantry moved into the wood catching a unit on the corner and then pursuing and destroying most of the archers in the wood.

My last group of Knights and Grail Knights from the centre charged Alex's archers.

This was the seventh and final turn and the Elves had reached their break point. The Brettonian army only counts Knights, Grail Knights and Pegasus Knights for break points. I had been looking safe there but their poor showing in the later combats took me to four out of ten lost.

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