Monday, 13 January 2025

Full Spectrum Dominance

 We played a new set of rules at the club on Sunday. 


Full Spectrum Dominance from The Lazy Forger. It is a scale-neutral science fiction game up to 15mm. It uses Distance Units which vary according to the scale being used. Each unit has a card containing it's abilities and to record damage.

We each get 8 activation dice which can either be used to activate a unit, or placed on a unit card to activate an ability such as firing the main weapon. units have a command value allowing them to activate another unit close by, or several in the case of command units. I didn't realise that a command value of one meant it could activate one other unit, I thought that meant is could only activate itself, so I have some excuse for losing.


We could bring on a limited amount of units each turn. I started with my two big tanks in the centre, my scout infantry on the left and an APC with infantry on the right. There were four minor objectives which disappear once claimed, My scouts were able to infiltrate close to one, Andy rushed a transport up to the one opposite on his side.

Our forces were assorted 6mm miniatures from different sources, Andy's were epic 40k orks. They were all from Nick's collection, who umpired. It was the first time with the rules for all of us.

There were three large bunkers, the ones either side were to be captured. The one in the middle could be destroyed which would end the game. On the right I went straight for the bunker, passing by the minor objective on that side. One of the infantry units was quickly killed. Next turn I brought on my other mechanised squad to take the minor objective.

One of my big tanks got into an uneven duel with the opposing tanks and was destroyed.

My remaining tanks came on and had some success to begin with destroying an enemy tank.

Next they moved to the left in the hope of taking the softer target of Andy's infantry in the objective on the left. My own scouts had been wiped out after claiming their minor objective. I had lost more points and I didn't think either objective was going to change hands now so I was trying to do damage.

Each objective gained us a card with a variable number of victory points and a special rule. One of mine was worth double points if I destroyed two enemy units with one of mine in a single turn. I thought my tanks might destroy two bases of infantry with one attack, but that wouldn't count as it was still one unit. Then I thought I could get two units by using my 'free' machine gun. However while it didn't require a dice to fire it was still an action and I had already moved an fired.

Now the tanks were in trouble as Andy's mechs came up on their side where they were more vulnerable. They both took tow hits each, losing their main guns before one more hit destroyed one of them.

On the right my main battle tank was fighting three enemy tanks. I destroyed one and another went off to attack my other tanks in the rear.

 My infantry destroyed Andy's APC. I was expecting them to die at any moment so I kept my other squad ready behind them to occupy the bunker. I brought up one of my walkers at the end to attack the enemy infantry in the house.

I did manage to get all of Andy's infantry eventually but he had drawn higher value cards for achieving objectives and my losses were worth more points which reduced my victory points. After casualties Andy scored seven VPs and I scored three.

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