Sunday 16 June 2024

HotT Barn 2024

 On 9 June Lincombe Barn Wargames Society hosted our annual Hordes of the Things tournament.

Due to several regulars having been at the 2 Fat Lardies event we hosted the day before and some for other reasons we only had six players this time, we usually have 10-12.

We had five games which meant everyone played everyone else.


Hot pies were supplied at lunch time as usual

Here my Mycenaean Greeks Spears fight a Flyer from Mad Max Fury Road.

 Amazons vs Mycenaean Greeks.

Spiders vs Sentient Plants.


Mycenaean Greeks vs Ebeneezer Goode (an electronic dance song by The Shaman from 1992)

 The Shaman is a Cleric General, Ebeneezer Goode is a Hero, the sound system is Artillery. Smiley faces are Hordes and Beasts.


 The results were:

1st Martin 67pts
Joint 2nd Owen & Mark 61pts (both killed 2 generals)
4th Colin 55pts
5th Steve 49pts
6th Phil 40pts  

