Monday 27 May 2024

Xenos Rampant: Massacre on Planet X

 Xenos Rampant is a set of sci-fi wargames rules published by Osprey, following on from Lion Rampant and Dragon Rampant.

In this game we had a scenario where the humans had to rescue survivors trapped inside an crashed ship on a planet inhabited by fierce monsters.


The humans had six squads of heavy infantry with transport vehicles, plus a squad in a lander. 

The Aliens consisted of large single creatures and units of smaller creatures. These were very good at melee and had no shooting.


The big Aliens were concealed within pods scattered around the battlefield and we were able to choose which ones when they jumped out.


The GM thought the scenario might favour the humans but it turned out be the opposite.


 The cover gave the humans little chance to fire before being engaged hand to hand where they were quickly killed.

As the Aliens we opted to deal with the troops near the spaceship first to ensure they couldn't get the occupants out. 

Apart from this cheeky one that jumped onto the enemy and used it's special ability to explode.

This lot ran from one alien into the jaws of another on the same ground where the other squad had died.

The vehicles had guns on so they had to be dealt with too. They were adapted from old toys, which are now collectables.

The VTOL dropped off it's squad next to the spaceship in the hope of evacuating the survivors.

The humans in the rear hadn't had much to shoot at due to the cover and the enemy being engaged with their own comrades. Now the Aliens swept up the board to deal with them.

The last human near the objective went down and there was nothing left for the others to withdraw.

It turned out the humans never had much of a chance due to the dense terrain and the alien deployment rules, as well as a tough objective. We had fun though and after the game we played the Strange Things board game which was also fun.





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