Sunday 8 December 2019

Alien Squad Leader Tournament 2019

Lincombe Barn Wargames Society is the home of Alien Squad Leader, written by Alex Self and playtested by our members. It is one of the most popular games played at the club.  On 1 December we held our 14th annual tournament.

Armies were 150 points, games were 1 1/2 hours.

In round one my Hive Mind faced Nick's Alien Enslavers

 After being beaten back by fire for a few turns my bugs got in and illed all of the master race aliens including the commanders. On my left 20 points worth of giga-beetles kept a much larger protion of the enemy army occupied by being big and distracting.

Matt's Alien Imperial army faced Tim's Alien Warrior Caste

Carol's Alien Imperials faced Richard's Alien Tribal Mercenaries

Round 2.
Tim's Alien Warrior Caste vs Nick's Alien Imperial
Nick's Thralls march up the road.

My Hive Mind faced the Giant Mushrooms of Richard's Alien Tribal Mercenaries.

Alex's Human Colonial vs Matt's Alien Imperial

Round 3
Alex's Human Colonial vs Tim's Alien Warrior Caste

In my last game I fought Bob's Cyborg Enslavers. Bob's Cyborgs come from the Dalek Risk board game

This golden opportunity in turn one was a flop. If I'd won either combat the enemy commanders would have suffered an extra hit because they couldn't retreat. But instead I took one hit from overwatch coming in and two more in the melee.

One of my Giga-Beetles had to go and hide behind a hill after being repeatedly hit, the other got into a fight with an Armoured Fighting Vehicle

And the results were:
No photo description available.

Saturday 9 November 2019

Romans v Britons

Last week we played Warhammer Ancient Battles, a set of rules I haven't used for about 5 years. The Romans are all Foundry figures, the Celts come from many different companies.

The armies were around 1600 points.The Britons had a Warlord, 3 Chieftans and a Battle Standard bearer, anything to get the points up, while I fielded the Legionaries in units of 16 rather than my usual 24 and with no Battle Standard (I still need to paint a lot of Celts)
 I took the Romans, the Legionaries have heavy armour and large shields making them very durable. The terrain table brought up a river which cut off part of the table.I set up a Scorpion ready to harass any enemy deploying on the other side and trying to cross later, and my other Scorpion covering an approach between the farm and the wood.

The Celtic light cavalry charged my skirmisher who ran away and never returned (skirmishers just don't work in these rules). My Legionaries charged and defeated the cavalry and they fled in front of the British Chariots, preventing them from declaring any charges.

This allowed my Auxilia to charge the Chariots and a melee ensued that lasted five or six rounds.
The Warband charged my line, immediately routing my Auxila Archers.routed and then rallied. My Cavalry positioned themselves for a flank charge but were caught in the flank themselves when a Warband destroyed a Legionary unit and pursued into them.

On my left flank one unit of Legionaries and the Auxilia Spears defeated the Chariots and some Warband and chased them off the field, others routed due to panic tests. John't General was lost in the rout and the Battle Standard left alone.

My General broke off to charge the enemy Battle Standard Bearer (the druid figure) in single combat and deprive the opposition of their leadership re-rolls. My General was slightly better in combat and only needed to inflict one more wound while having three himself, but he lost.

The battle was now being fought left to right with three Celtic units left on the right of the table.

There were a series of combats with units destroyed on both sides, and when the Celts were reduced to one unit we called time.

Sunday 28 July 2019

Saga: Age of Magic

Chaos Warriors vs Spider Cultists

Saga is now on it's second edition, there is a main rulebook and then a supplement for each of the 'periods', Vikings, Crusades etc, and Age of Magic which covers the fantasy genre. Each faction,be it Anglo Saxon or the Undead has restrictions on which troops it can include and has a unique battle board defining it's abilities. Special Dice are rolled each turn and placed on the board to activate the abilities.All units have access to Hearthguard at 4 figures per point, Warriors at 8 figures per point and Levies at 12 figures per point, plus a mandatory Warlord. The Fantasy armies have other unit types like Creatures, Monsters and various types of Heroes.

This is an eight point game played at the club

My army used the The Horde army list.  My figures are from my old Warhammer Chaos army had a Warlord, 12 Hearthguard in two units, 8 Warriors on foot, 8 Mounted Warriors (actually centaurs), a Behemoth (at class of monster) and a Sorcerer (a class of Hero).

Richard's army used The Lords of the Wild list and his army included giant spiders (Creatures), a huge spider (Behemoth), a Ranger, a Sorcerer and some Warriors.

 Richard put his archers in the corner due to an ability that would soon be causing me problems and left his other warriors guarding them. I considered rushing them but with his army doing better in bad going than mine I would be intercepted anyway, so I went after what was available.

Richard's army had several key abilities that made it very potent. The Ranger allowed all his units in the same bad going to ignore it's penalties, he spent most of the game in the central wood.  The Ambush ability on the battle board allows a unit of archers to draw a line of sight from any unoccupied of uneven ground. That meant they could shoot me without going near danger.  The Rise of the Spirits ability transforms a piece of uneven terrain into a Titan (a kind of monster) which can then rampage around the table. Both these abilities became doubly dangerous combined with a spell he had which could create new uneven terrain.

After coming under unexpected fire which left my Behemoth fatigued for several turns I decided I needed to get stuck in as quickly as possible. My Centaurs went into some Spiders in the wood and suffered fatigue for moving twice and entering a wood, they lost badly and were finished off by archers.

Having spent a lot of points on Hearthguard and having lost a unit I was short on Saga Dice and had to use most of them just to keep moving rather than anything fancy. I also wasted some because I kept forgetting the Behemoth couldn't use the special abilities on the board where I'd put them.

A treeman infested copse was summoned and destroyed my foot warriors. My Behemoth killed it and then a unit of Creatures (those little spiders are acting as fatigue markers) too, then went head to head with the enemy Behemoth which killed him.

My Sorcerer got a few spells of boosting the units around him but he was next to fall to the Giant Spider. My Hearthguard and Warlord killed the other Creatures and Richard's characters withdrew to safety.

A second Titan appeared in a newly summoned wood and attacked me from one side while the Giant Spider continued to plough through my army.

In the last turn my Warlord died and the only survivor of the whole army was one foot warrior who had withdrawn to an out of the way wood (also preventing it being used for those enemy abilities since it was now occupied)

The Wild army is very tough to face, I will need to study my own board carefully to see how to use it better.

Saturday 6 July 2019

Star Grunt

Stargrunt II is a skirmish game from GZG intended for their own range of 15mm and 25mm figures. I first started playing it 20 years ago but I was slow to get much painted and I only ever had a few games, and the last around ten years ago. So it was a case of half remembered rules and checking the play sheet when we brought it out at the club last week, and we took a few short cuts to keep things moving.

The figures are from GZG and are 25mm rather than the more common 28mm or ‘heroic’ 28mm found these days. They represent the New Anglian Confederation and Federal Stats Europa. I’m not sure which faction the powered armour are for as I bought them on a bring and buy and there aren’t many pictures on the GZG site to compare them to. The army squad, which have khaki instead of green battledress are another faction as well, but again I couldn’t identify them. 

The figures in brown are from the Battletech spin-off Battle Troops, they are the Kurita machine gun assault platoon produced by Ral Partha.

While the paint job on the powered armour makes them look like they belong with the FSE I could only make a balanced force with the figures I had painted by putting them on the other side.
The New Anglian Confederation had a platoon of four sections with veteran quality (the marines), an elite squad in powered armour and an average quality squad (army). They also had an independent sniper.

The Federal Stats Europa force had a platoon of five squads of legionnaires of average quality and a platoon of 3 squads of green quality militia. The militia had a separate machine gun group and the legionnaires had an independent sniper.

We threw out the terrain randomly, John picked the FSE.  I started everyone on Confidant status to keep things simple.

John’s militia were on my left and the legionnaires in the centre and right. I put my powered armour squad facing a built up area in the centre, predicting both sides would contest it and I could have them assault the enemy. I kept my command squad out of danger in a wood behind another squad and after the first turn I was using all his actions to activate other squads for a second time.


2 squads of legionnaires entered the built up area on the centre line and a squad of marines and powered armour did the same from the other side. My powered armour charged both squads in successive turns who failed their morale tests and withdrew back into the open, where I was able to pin them with fire. From there on I kept using my commander to activate each squad twice each turn hammering them in the open (make hay while the sun shines).

John was re-activating his as well but they were never able to do much damage and spent half their time at least removing suppression markers. My marine squad started taking significant damage from the militia in the woods but their morale held.

On the right the FSE finally reached the far side of their built up area and exchanged fire with their opposite numbers.

Eventually the two squads in the open broke, abandoning two wounded and the troops behind them were able to fire for the first time. 

With time nearly up we called it there as a victory for the NAC.

When we’d played with only one platoon a side we found games typically became fairly static with no-one leaving cover for most of the game. This time we had slightly large forces but most units headed for the cover in front of them and stayed there. This is probably due to the typical ‘wargames’ layout of terrain with a dozen woods, hills and built up areas scattered randomly around a field. I think a more lifelike arrangement would probably solve this.

Something I really like about Stargrunt is that troop quality and leadership is important in all aspects of the game. In too many games superior equipment and especially superior numbers count for much more. In real life superior troops routinely beat superior numbers. I think we’ll be playing it again now, and next time I’ll have to re-read the rules first.

Friday 31 May 2019

Painting some modern militia

These figures are from various modern ranges by the Assault Group range which I've picked up over the years. I painted them as a generic paramilitary group.They have a wide range of clothing and equipment but I've given them a uniform appearance without just painting everything the same colour.

There are essentially two uniforms, an everyday uniform of peaked cap, smooth jacket and trousers in khaki, and a combat uniform of boonie hat, combat jacket and combat trousers in camoflage. Most individuals are wearing a combination of the two.

T shirts where visible are dark green, as are any odd bits of clothing like bandanas.